Τρίτη 17 Αυγούστου 2010

Ούγγρος παπικός παπάς (o 45χρονος Zoltan Lendvai), κάνει επιδείξεις με στο skateboard του, για να εντυπωσιάσει νεαρούς (ένας, χαιρετάει… σατανιστικά)!

Το τραγούδι που ακούγεται είναι το «Give Me One Good Reason»
Give Me One Good Reason

Mom and dad they quite don't understand it,
all the kids they laugh as if they planned it
Why do girls wanna pierce their nose,
and walk around in torn pantyhose, oh yeah

I like the ones who say they listen to the punk rock
I like the kids who fight against how they were brought up
They hate the trends and think it's fucked to care,
it's cool when they piss people off with what they wear, oh yeah

So give me one good reason,
why we need to be like them
Kids will have fun and offend,
They don't want to and don't fit in

Hate the jocks, the preps, the hippie fucking scumbags
Heavy metalers with their awful pussy hair bands
counting seconds until we can get away,
ditching school almost every single day, oh yeah

So give me one good reason,
why we need to be like them
Kids will have fun and offend,
They don't want to and don't fit in

Give me one good reason,
why we need to be like them
Kids will have fun and offend,
They don't want to and don't fit in

6 σχόλια:

  1. Α, δεν έδωσα σημασία στα λόγια από την αρχή, και τώρα που με πονήρεψες να προσέξω - και το άκουσα το τραγούδι - δεν κατάλαβα τίποτε.

    Πάντως την είδηση την πήρα από την ηλεκτρονική Ζούγκλα, την ιστοσελίδα του Μάκη Τριανταφυλλόπουλου, που το... πρόβαλε το βίντεο αυτό, με την λεζάντα ότι ο παπάς αυτός έτσι διδάσκει – με πρωτοποριακό τρόπο - τον λόγο του Θεού στους νέους!

  2. Give Me One Good Reason

    Mom and dad they quite don't understand it,
    all the kids they laugh as if they planned it
    Why do girls wanna pierce their nose,
    and walk around in torn pantyhose, oh yeah

    I like the ones who say they listen to the punk rock
    I like the kids who fight against how they were brought up
    They hate the trends and think it's fucked to care,
    it's cool when they piss people off with what they wear, oh yeah

    So give me one good reason,
    why we need to be like them
    Kids will have fun and offend,
    They don't want to and don't fit in

    Hate the jocks, the preps, the hippie fucking scumbags
    Heavy metalers with their awful pussy hair bands
    counting seconds until we can get away,
    ditching school almost every single day, oh yeah

    So give me one good reason,
    why we need to be like them
    Kids will have fun and offend,
    They don't want to and don't fit in

    Give me one good reason,
    why we need to be like them
    Kids will have fun and offend,
    They don't want to and don't fit in
